Training & events 2012. Both in-house & those open to all
I am currently updating this part of the site for the coming year of 2012. Events are being added daily. I have also for the moment, left the 2011 events up here in case you are interested in seeing what is possible. See you in the new year.
23rd Sydney
- ‘From child to teenager. What can get in the way and what can help.’ Presentation @ 2 day training workshop.
- For Save The Children.
7th Sydney
- ‘2012. Let’s get this party started.’ For workers & young people.
- For Oasis Youth Services.
28th Sydney
- ‘The voice in your head.’ For young people.
- For The Level Up Calendar.
1st Sydney
- ‘My Life My Journey.’ First group of 6 week programme. For young people.
- Belmore Youth Centre
10th Dubbo
- ‘Talking with young people who don’t want to talk to you.’
- For ‘Save the Children’
20th & 21st Canberra
- ‘Working with the edge – Engaging young people in group work.’
- For Groupwork Solutions.
27th & 28th Sydney Open to all. Organised through Pete Slattery.
- Engaging disengaged young people
Venue: Inner west of Sydney, venue to be announced
Further information and bookings contact: Peter: 0418456577, email:
29th Sydney
- ‘Talking with teens.’
- For TAFE counsellors
Further information and bookings: Peter : 0418456577
17th Sydney
- ‘Life after the HSC’. For young people
- Unviverstiy of Technology
19th & 20th April
- Engaging disengaged young people. For workers
- Family Services Illawarra
1st Sydney
- ‘Finding my place.’ At Pittwater Library. For young people
- For Pittwater Council via the Community Development Officer
7th & 8th Wollongong
- ‘Working with the edge – Engaging young people in group work.’ For workers
- For Groupwork Solutions.
14th & 15th Perth
- ‘Engaging young people. Engaging the disengaged.’ For workers
- For Drug & Alcohol Office.
17th & 18th May Victoria
- Groupwork with young people. Via Groupwork Solutions. For workers
- For Headspace Warrnambool Victoria.
29th May
- Strategic Planning (in house)
- Family Services Illawarra
4th & 5th Wollongong.
- ‘Groupwork for change – Working with the young, the not-so-young and the nowhere-near-young.’
- For Groupwork Solutions.
21st & 22nd Orange
- ‘Group Work. Advanced.’
- For the Centre for Community Welfare Training.
27th & 28th Merimbula
- ‘Young people and Engagement.’
- For the Centre for Community Welfare Training.5th Z&
5th & 6th Sydney Open to all. Organised through Pete Slattery.
‘Engaging disengaged young people.’
Inner west of sydney, venue to be announced
Price: $440.00
- All meals
- Workshop notes
- 20% discount on all Pete’s resources
- Free post workshop consultation. Face to face, phone,
skype or webinars - Ongoing support: email, skype, webinars.
Young people who are ‘disengaged’ still have the same needs and desires as all young
people. Like all of us, they need to belong, they need to be part of something,
they need connections with others, they need an identity and they need to be in
charge of themselves. And many ‘disengaged’ young people are also often
accessible to us. They are still in schools, in refuges, in rehab centres,
within the orbits of Juvenile Justice or Community Services. Yet they often also
carry with them (often justifiably) a suspicious view of the world; a view that
says that the world is an unfriendy place, that people are not to be trusted,
that life is a battle, and that those who offer help, eventually…leave. Such a
young person is likely to be angry, hostile, sad or seemingly apathetic or
disinterested. Connecting with a disengaged young person then means doing
something that puts a question mark next to each of these ideas. And if the
young person has not flourished at school we had better do something different
to that. And we may need to do something for those who are imperfect at reading
and writing, and for those who are either not good at talking, or simply do not
want to talk to us. It means doing something unexpected in our interaction,
because in response, something unexpected may well emerge within the young
person. And what we create together may be sufficiently intriguing and
meaningful enough so they will continue to talk, be involved, stay in class,
stick with the programme, continue with whatever we are offering at that moment.
And just what this intriguing thing might be will depend on who you are, who
they are, where you are, how much time you have…and your good judgement. So
this workshop will look at:
- The ‘theory’. What life elements help a young
person grow well. And how to introduce these or strengthen these in a person’s
life - What programs/projects have been successful in
working with disengaged young people. And why… - Strategies that are successful in groups
- Approaches and strategies that are successful in
individual conversations - How to connect with someone who may not want to
talk with you, is seemingly apathetic or hostile - How to use a range of brief strategies that do not
require lengthy conversations or indeed words at all - How to involve others as allies in the lives of
young people.
This is a practical and interactive workshop that
will provide you with background thinking, solid principles and ideas and
strategies that you can use with groups, families and individuals.
Further information and
bookings contact: Peter: 0418456577 email:
31st Redfern
- ‘Drug use and young people.’
17th & 18th Sydney
- ‘Young people and Engagement.’
20th & 21st Sydney
- ‘Group work. Advanced.’
2011 Events
The Centre for Community Welfare Training
(On the ongoing calendar)
Course Name & Code | Course Duration and Dates | Venue Name |
Drug Use and Young People (110512S1) | 1 day: Thu, May 12 | Sydney |
Young People and Engagement (110623LM1) | 2 days: Thu and Fri, Jun 23, 24 | Lismore |
Young People and Engagement (110906S2) | 2 days: Tue and Wed, Sep 6, 7 | Sydney |
Groupwork Advanced (110921S2) | 2 days: Wed and Thu, Sep 21, 22 | Sydney |
Conversations with Young People (110311BT1) | 1 day: Fri, Mar 11 | Blacktown |
Check out the details, & register here
I have left the following workshop descriptions up here so you can see what we did recently as well as letting you know that they will in some shape or form be repeated in the future.
Training Workshops (Open to all) (Now completed)
For those who work with young people
Friday 27th May 10am to 1 pm
A return of this workshop…with ADD ONS! The content:
- How to have ‘therapeutic’ conversations…when time is short and the location less than ideal
- How to use this DVD as a self-directed learning tool
- How to use it as a trainer of others.
You get:
- The 3 hour DVD (see DVD trailer on website)
- AND a brand new different from ever before 3 hour interactive low-down on how to use the DVD as a learning and training tool…
- Workshop notes…NEW UPDATED VERSION
Friday 3rd June 9.30 am to 4.30 pm
- What the latest brain research tells youth workers
- Research, evidence and theory to background youth work
- Stand-out programmes and approaches
- Working with disengaged young people
- Practical strategies with individuals.
Friday 10th June 9.30 am to 4.30 pm
- Theories of group work
- What’s different about running groups with young people?
- Different sorts of groups: schools, centres, camps…
- Interactive, participatory and practical
- Devise and present your own activities
- Free ongoing online support
- Free one hour face to face/fone/email consult/chat with me sometime over the next 6 months.
‘Conversations…’ $80.00 inc 3 hour DVD and NEW workshop notes, morning tea
Youth work $165.00 inc morning & afternoon teas and lunch + handouts
Group work $165.00 inc morning & afternoon teas and lunch, +handouts.
< Book any two and get 10% DISCOUNT >
< Book all three and get 15% DISCOUNT >