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Group work resource….multi media image & music

This 60 second vid tells you just what THOUGHTPICS is.

You will need Flash player to view it and you can download it here for free.

But just in case you can’t play the vid for some reason…here is a description:

T’PICS is a resource you can use in groups to quickly engage people’s hearts and minds with a topic. In each of the five THOUGHTPICS you will see powerful images set to music, which unfold quickly or slowly depending on the topic, catching people’s attention and setting the scene for more personal explorations of the topic. Each THOUGHTPICS also comes complete with 20+ pages of activities, questions and worksheets, and with a special section for schools.

FACES: An example

Asks: what lives have others led? And what can I learn from them?

FACES is an exercise in curiosity, imagination and understanding about people and their lives. There are three versions of FACES and the following 60 second version gives you some idea how it all works. The questions which go with it are from the opening pages of the written material.

‘As you see each image, silently put a name to what you think you see in that person’s face. What emotions? Qualities? Characteristics?
‘And, once you have viewed all five images, think about:
1. Who would you like to talk more with?
2. What would you like to talk about


< Download the files or get a hard copy >

What’s included with each THOUGHTPICS?

  • A high resolution MP4 video file from 1 to 5 minutes long + PDF written material
  • Some THOUGHTPICS give  you the same images in 2 or 3 different length versions…so you have multiple options for your groups
  • A series of activities, discussion questions and worksheets
  • Suggestions on how to use the resource
  • Suggestions on how to use the resource specifically in schools
  • A section written especially for schools.

Once you purchase the E version, you will be sent a receipt which will have a download option at the bottom left.

This is where you get T’pics and the link stays open for just 24 hours. The files are BIG (pics, remember) so the download will take a while.

For best results, I recommend using VLC media player for playing T’pics which is FREE and works on both PC and Mac.

If you can’t do paypal, just email and we can give you bank/cheque details and send you a hard copy.

HARD copy is ONLY available for the COLLECTION of all five. Add $15.00 including handling and postage.

All prices are in AUSTRALIAN dollars.


Asks: what signs in my life should I be paying attention to?

‘SIGNS…’ presents a series of signs: ‘STOP’, ‘NO STOPPING’, ‘REST AREA’, ‘GO BACK WRONG WAY’, ‘REDUCE SPEED’ and a whole bunch of others…Viewers are asked to pick any signs that, just perhaps, they should be paying attention to in life right now.


Asks: what do I value in relationships?

‘RELATIONSHIIPS’ explores what it is that connects people, and the nature of those connections. It’s an opportunity for viewers to take a thoughtful look, if it is the right moment, at the unique connections in their own lives.


Asks: what lives have others led? And what can I learn from them?

‘FACES’ is an exercise in curiosity, inquiry, imagination, understanding, compassion and empathy about people and their lives.


Asks: what do I need in my life right now?

‘A PLACE…’asks viewers to imagine themselves at a moment in life when they might need to stop and ‘take stock’ and ask: Is my life the way I want it to be?


Asks: what symbols would I choose to represent my life?

‘SYMBOLS’ is an intriguing mix of images from the realistic to the abstract and artistic. Viewers are asked to think about their lives and which of these images might say something about their lives.


All five resources Signs, Relationships, Faces, Places and Symbols in one collection.

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